Welcome to the National Organization of Coaches Association Directors. We are proud to recognize the NOCAD members who have dedicated their time and efforts to their state education-based athletics coaches associations and members.
NOCAD’s chartered mission is to generate revenue and provide active support to the member state associations for the benefit of their member coaches and in turn, their student-athletes. We value your active support and contributions; it is important that we continue to be resourceful in providing assistance for coaches associations and their members.
NOCAD currently has 43 member coaches associations in 35 states. NOCAD members reach across the country from New York to Hawaii and Oregon to Florida. Our annual meetings are held at various locations across the country. Each state member is a valuable part of the organization and contributes to its achievements. We urge each state coaches association to take full advantage of this membership as we help each organization become stronger and more effective. I welcome questions from any state coaches association concerning NOCAD and the advantages of membership. Thank you for your interest and support as we continue to work together.
As former Executive Director Keith Richardson says: “PLEASE REMEMBER, KIDS NEED COACHES.”
Joe Franks
Executive Director